WALK the TALK Communications, LLC
My portfolio includes content for both online and print newsletters in a variety of styles for varied clientele.
Online newsletter for Academic Professionals at University of Illinois
Hired to create content for the newsletter focused on keeping UIC Academic Professionals informed and involved.
Nov. 9, 2015: APAC Profile: Tracy Sikorski
Sept. 25, 2015: APAC Profile: Kathleen Stauffer
March 31, 2015: Moss Leaving Leadership
March 24, 2014: Chancellor's Committee on Status of LGBTQPA
Feb. 25, 2014: Chancellor's Committee on Status of Asian Americans
Jan. 16, 2014: APAC Profile: Uma Sriram
June 27, 2013: Flexible Spending Accounts Undergo Changes
May 21, 2013: Employees’ Monthly Insurance Payments to Rise
May 21, 2013: Dental, Vision Plans Also Affected
April 24, 2013: Open Enrollment May Provide Alternatives to Long Wait for Insurance Payments
October 15, 2012: New Education Modules Aim to Reduce Myths about Civil Service
June 28, 2012: July Retirements Mean Open Positions for Supervisors and Interested Current Employees
June 28, 2012: Access and Equity Addresses Hiring Process
April 25, 2012: UIC HR Prepares for Retirees’ Institutional Impact
July 1, 2011: Conversions of Researcher Staff to Civil Service Causes Concerns
May 3, 2011: May Marks Beginning of AP to Civil Service Conversion at Hospital
March 22, 2011: Study of State Retiree Benefits and Premiums Forthcoming, Raises Concerns
February 1, 2011: Examination and Reclassification of AP Positions Required by Law
February 1, 2011: Administrative Restructuring and Review is Separate from Civil Service Compliance
Food For Thought
School newsletter series on health
Created, researched, wrote and designed a series of three print newsletters for Waters Elementary School Health Committee; printed products were distributed throughout Fond du Lac School District.
Vol. 1, No. 1: Celebrating Birthdays, Not Sugar
UIUC Graduate School of Library and Information Science
Alumni newsletter
Created and produced this revamped alumni newsletter while leading the graduate school's communication unit; produced both in print and online; coordinated with redesigned website.
Washington Association of Realtors
Online newsletter for members
In charge of online news and features as a part-time member of the in-house communications team; often worked remotely.
News samples:
The Habitat House that Realtors Built
Realtors Help Homeowners Overcome Obstacles
Pierce County's Oldest Brokerage Turns 60
2001 Legislative Priorities: Quality of Life
Campaign Defines Quality of Growth
Housing Opportunities Stressed in Quality of Life Campaign
Franks Named Executive Vice President
REALTOR Spotlight: