WALK the TALK Communications, LLC
Communications Strategy/Crisis Communications
My in-house communications experience as a department director provided ongoing opportunities to strategize communications messages and delivery methods. Among those strategies were creating and implementing programs to handle crisis and "bad news" situations.

Loyola University Chicago
Tuition Communications
Loyola University Chicago
Open Forums

Loyola University Chicago
Tuition Communications
Key team member in planning multi-faceted communication program; composed and disseminated majority of content, including writing on behalf of university leadership.
Response on behalf of EVP (1 example)
Internal Communications:
Campus new tuition email announcement
Campus tuition communication email announcement
Campus student email announcement
Newsletters (Continuing Adults, Graduate, Law and Undergraduate students)
Loyola University Chicago
Open Forums
Scheduled, coordinated, provided talking points and assessment methods for open meetings between university leaders and employees.
Administration, Staff Provide Answers to Additional Lakeside Open Forum Questions (June 6, 1996)
Administrators Follow Up on Questions from Open Forums (May 16, 1996)